• Have some fun in this floral flowy dress!
    Check Out All New Items!
  • Sunshine is our favorite accessory!
    Check Out All New Items!
  • Let’s jump into the weekend with some fun accessories!
    Check Out All New Items!
  • A rainbow of colors to brighten your day!
    Check out all new items!

ClOSEDTODAY, Wed. Feb. 12 due to weather!


Check out Miss Meyer’s online store! Our ONLINE STORE is easy to navigate and gives you the ability to shop Miss Meyer’s 24/7. Browse hundreds of items in sizes 0 - 4X and shoe size 6 - 13. Be sure to check back often as new items are posted daily!


Click pink highlighted ONLINE STORE above to start shopping

Now Taking Spring

Call 515/598-4471 for your Appointment


NO CONSIGNMENT ITEMS will be taken without a scheduled APPOINTMENT!

Read consignment requirements below so you are updated with the rules on how your items should be brought in!



  • All items MUST come in a tub with a SEALED LID - Bins /TUBS MUST NOT BE ANY BIGGER THAN AN 18 GALLON TUB.  I will NOT TAKE any tub OVER 18 gallon UNLESS PREVIOUSLY DISCUSSED!
  • I bin per appointment allowed. Fall/winter pieces are bulkier so only what can fit in an 18 gallon or smaller tub. Tops, sweaters, tunics and shirts sell better then pants and jeans, so choose your items carefully.
  • NO ITEMS WILL BE ACCEPTED IF NOT CONTAINED IN TUB! (Unless previously discussed before drop off)
  • PLEASE put your name and phone number on the inside and your name on the outside of the tub.

Your items will NOT be looked at while you are in the shop.  All items will be carefully looked over and items taken will be processed in a timely manner.  Items I do not take will be placed back in your tub to be picked up.  All tubs are to be PICKED up the following WEDNESDAY after your scheduled appointment. If your tub has NOT BEEN PICKED UP the TUB and CONTENTS WILL be DONATED UNLESS PREVIOUSLY ARRANGED.

Call 598-4471 for more information!


Do you have plastic bags, shopping bags, or reusable totes that are not being used? Why not bring them to Miss Meyer’s to be reused as excellent shopping bags! Miss Meyer’s wants to minimize the use of new bags, so we welcome reusable bags at our shop.

Together we can reuse these items – all the small things can make a big difference!

Consignment Guidelines
The three "C's" of Miss Meyers Clothing Consignment: Gently-used items need to be: Current, Clean, and Cute! View guidelines for a successful consigning appointment.